This CodeLab covers the steps to accessing the latest official Gameboard Godot SDK. The Gameboard SDK exposes all the functionality unique to Gameboard in order to reduce the effort of creating games.


After you create your new Godot project, you want to make sure the project includes a C# solution. The Gameboard SDK plugin requires DLLs that can only be used in a C# project.

To do this, navigate to Project > Tools > C# > Create C# Solution


After clicking this, you should have the option to Build the project available now next to the Run Project button.

Now that we have a C# solution, you want to get the latest Gameboard SDK plugin from the AssetLib.

To do that, Navigate to AssetLib in the top menu and search for Gameboard SDK Plugin


Click the plugin and select Download


You can now choose to configure the asset before installing, but you should be able to leave the default setup.


After this, the plugin will be installed within the addons > Gameboard folder in your project.

Next, you will need to add the Plugin's dependencies to your C# project configuration through Visual Studio.

After installing the package, you need to add the newly added Plugin's dependencies to your project.

To do so, right click within your FileSystem and select Open in File Manager


Once in your file manager, find the project's .snl file and right click to open it with the appropriate Visual Studio.

Once in Visual Studio, right click Dependencies under your project and select Add Project Reference


In the reference menu that appears, click Browse on the left, and then the Browse... button on the bottom right.


In the File Explorer, navigate to your godot project and from there navigate to:

root > addons > Gameboard > Plugins

Within this folder, you should see 3 dlls. Select all 3 of them and select Add.


Your project is now ready to use the Gameboard sdk! You can build the C# project from within Visual Studio, or from within the Godot editor.

For further information, checkout the other codelabs for specific functionality.

For some things, you will want to wait for the Gameboard SDK to be initialized first. You can check if the Gameboard SDK is initialized by checking the IsInitialized property, and if it isn't yet you can subscribe to the GameboardInitializationCompleted event, so your method will be called right after initialization is completed.

private void _Ready()
  var gameboard = GetNode("/root/GameboardSDK") as GameboardPlugin;

  if (gameboard.IsInitialized)
      gameboard.GameboardInitializationCompleted += OnGameboardInitialization;